We focus on the varied ministry contributions of the saints who gather together.
I Cor. 14:26 What then brothers, when you come together, each one has a hymn, a lesson, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation. Let all things be done for building up.
Up-to-date announcements can be found on our Facebook group 'Watch This! Church'.
About Us
Watch This! is a church with a mission to follow God with our whole heart, working to establish his kingdom in Anchorage and wherever we go.
We meet on Thursday evenings at 300 E Dimond Blvd, Suite 11A, in the AK Dance Promotions space, across from Red Robin. Our meetings begin with a pot-luck meal at 6:30 PM. The rest of the meeting gets going around 7:00 pm. We might sing or we might just pray. We are always seeking the leading of the Holy Spirit. Typically, there will be a short teaching with plenty of discussion, prayer and personal and corporate application.

Meet Our Minister
Jim Strutz, D.Min.
Founder & Lead Minister.
Jim Strutz has been planting and leading churches for decades in and out of Alaska with a prophetic teaching gift.
Thank you for considering donating to this ministry. You can mail donations to:
Watch This! Church
3911 Truro Dr
Anchorage AK 99507
To donate online with a credit or debit card, click the this link below and follow the instructions.
Contact Us
Pastor: Jim Strutz
Email: jstrutz@gmail.com
Phone: (907) 748-4858
Meeting at: 300 E Dimond, #11A, Anchorage AK
Mailing Address: 3911 Truro Dr, Anchorage AK, 99507